Sam Varon-Gerrard's bar-mitzvah

By Sam's Barmitzvah

I've created this page because I want to make a difference.

Thank you for supporting Lighthouse Foundation.


Your donation will help to offer support, guidance, and homes to vulnerable young people - enabling them to heal and thrive and break the cycle of homelessness.


Thank you so much!



My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Diane Gerrard

So proud of you


The Yang-gaillard Gang

Congratulations Sam on reaching this very important milestone! You should be very proud of the person you are and man you are becoming. We hope you enjoy your celebration! Charlie, Ben, Frank and Natalie Xx


Gill Wong

Congratulations on this huge milestone Sam. All our love, Gill, Ian, Amelia and Alexander


Debbie And Eytan Lenko

Wishing you mazal tov and lots of health and happiness with your gorgeous family! You should feel so proud of yourself for supporting such a great cause! Well done!


Oscar Gerrans

Congratulations Sam on fundraising for such a wonderful cause.


Jez, Gill, Claudia, Harriet And Gabriel

Mazel tov Sam! We are very excited to see you become bar mitzvah. Xx


Elijah Lloyd

Mazel Tov Sam!