Applied Finance Society - City2Surf Challenge

By Applied Finance Society - City2Surf Challenge

I've created this page because I want to make a difference.

We are excited to announce that the Applied Finance Society Executive Team is participating in the upcoming City2Surf race in August of this year to fundraise for the Lighthouse Foundation, and we need your support!

The AFS is passionate about making a positive impact in our community. By participating in the City2Surf, we aim to not only promote health and wellness but also raise funds for an important cause.

The Lighthouse Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting young people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in Australia. Founded in 1991, the foundation provides stable accommodation, therapeutic care, education, and employment opportunities for vulnerable youth. Through their Lighthouse Homes and Lighthouse Apartments programs, they offer a supportive and nurturing environment where young people can rebuild their lives and develop the skills they need to become independent and thriving members of society. The foundation operates on a model of early intervention and prevention, aiming to break the cycle of homelessness and empower young individuals to reach their full potential. With a focus on trauma-informed care and holistic support, the Lighthouse Foundation is committed to creating lasting change and improving the lives of disadvantaged youth across Australia.

We understand that times are challenging, but even a small contribution can make a big difference. Together, we can work towards creating a brighter future for youth across Australia.

Thank you for considering supporting the Applied Finance Society. Your generosity is greatly appreciated, and we look forward to making a positive impact together at City2Surf!

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Received 5 Donations

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